Inert Replica AIM-9 Sidewinder Missile Full Size
Made from 6061 5″ OD .0125″ Aircraft Aluminum — length 9’2″ long. Width at rear fins 25″. Tube outter diameter 5″ — with the following fabricated items:
- Lathe machined billet aluminum 1″ thick nose cone, honed internally to accept blown glass seeker eye cover, seeker eye lens, Billet aluminum gimbal mechanism, 8 circuit boards with 8 photoelectric sensors, 8 acrylic ports….
- Authentic Rocket Motor stats sticker
- Authentic Arm/Safe sticker
- Replica Resin cast Arm/Safe switch
- 3 Replica Resin cast mounting blocks
- 3 Replica Resin cast clamps
- 4 Authentic Raytheon cast steel front fins that pivot in pairs independently
- 4 Authentic Raytheon cast aluminum 24″ long rear fins with moving Rollerons
Perfect for Air Museums, Office, Conference Room, Man Caves or as Running Boards for your Big Truck!
Missile Cart not included.
Please allow up to a week for any item to be built, and email me directly to discuss your purchase, as many items are one of a kind and/or highly customizable, and I would like to be sure you are getting exactly what you want. I am more than happy to discuss your purchase before you buy it.